Tag: vps

  • Using Fail2ban to Secure Your Server

    Fail2ban is a log-parsing application that monitors system logs for symptoms of an automated attack on your Server Fail2ban is primarily focused on SSH attacks, although it can be further configured to work for any service that uses log files and can be subject to a compromise.   Installing Fail2ban apt-get install fail2ban General Settings […]

  • mysql service stops automatically

    The most common reason why MySQL is not running is that it stopped or failed to start as a result of not enough memory. This can usually be seen by attempting to start the mysql server (“service mysql start” on Ubuntu and some other systems) and then reviewing the mysql error log (usually in /var/log/mysql/error.log […]

  • cpu and memory overload too many /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start

    Limit the Number of Apache Processes and Children Most operating systems’ default Apache configurations are not well suited for smaller servers– 25 child processes or more is common. If each of your Apache child processes uses 120MB of RAM, then your VPS would need 3GB just for Apache. One visitor’s web browser may request 4 […]

  • WordPress Email Not Sending in VPS

    You will need to install an MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) on your droplet in order to route mail for PHP. You can do this simply by installing postfix or sendmail on your droplet.   sudo apt-get install sendmail Configure hosts file correctly: nano /etc/hosts And make sure the line looks like this: localhost localhost.localdomain […]

  • Hide Apache Information on Ubuntu VPS/Dedicated Web server

    1. Modify security.conf : sudo nano /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/security.conf Change “ServerTokens OS” to “ServerTokens Prod” then Change “ServerSignature On” to “ServerSignature Off” 2. Restart the apache2 : sudo service apache2 restart * Restarting web server apache2 [ OK ] 3. Perform the following command before change and after change the configuration : sudo curl -I http://192.xxx.x.123 Done!! […]

  • Apache Virtual Hosts on VPS

    How To Set Up Apache Virtual Hosts on Ubuntu Access to VPS Before you start install Ubuntu or other Os like Fedora,Debian etc,Your new Droplet is all set to go! You can access it using the following credentials: example IP Address: 1xx.xx.1.123 Username: root Password: xxxxxxx you will get ip address via mail or  vps […]